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  • Re: HTML to PDF end of page problem.

    Is the new parser included in the lateste downloadable version? &nbsp; Thks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by joao_matos on August 22, 2007
  • HTML to PDF end of page problem.

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hello, i'm using the following code to print the html in a pdf document with n pages,&nbsp;the problem is that no&nbsp;bottom margin is&nbsp;applied to the pdf and the text appears cuted in the end,&nbsp;&nbsp;and it seems there's no way to define it. &nbsp; HTML2PDF html2pdf = new ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by joao_matos on July 30, 2007
  • Accent Problem

    I've just upgraded to version 6&nbsp;and got a stange problem when creating text with accents like: &nbsp; In&#237;cio, Sess&#227;o, etc... &nbsp; The text saves correctly in DB and display correctly in the frontOffice the problem is when editing the text in the editor, it just doesn&#180;t display the char's whith accents. &nbsp; Thks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by joao_matos on May 23, 2007