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  • Re: Onkeypress

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Yes i have tried that example, if you in that example delete all content, press 'Get html', press 'Attach event', and then e.g. press 'a' in the content window, a javascript alert will popup with &lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;, next time you press a key it will popup with &lt;p&gt;a&lt;/p&gt;, so it actually shows the text as it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MadsL on March 27, 2006
  • Onkeypress

    Hi, &nbsp; The onkeypress happens before the value of the key is inserted, so if e.g. the document is blank and the user press 'a', the innerhtml in the onkeypress is still empty. (this functions the same way in the example: JavaScript-API.aspx) &nbsp; In normal javascript you would just add an onkeyup event to the textarea, but is this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MadsL on March 24, 2006
  • Problem getting correct postback text

    Hi there, &nbsp; The postback of the cuteeditor looks something like this (if you write ''test'' in the editor): &nbsp; ctl02 #1div#2t#9#7t#1/div#2 In a clean environment I can get the correct text with editor.text, but in the environment where i use it, editor.text always return the same text as in the postback. What can I do ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MadsL on March 23, 2006