dotnetgallery license question

Last post 05-09-2011, 7:37 AM by Eric. 1 replies.
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  •  05-08-2011, 12:00 AM 67475

    dotnetgallery license question

    hi,i have licensing question about this product..currently i am developing an  sport application which i will be rolling out for different schools.
    So school1 site would be something like
    school2 would be  and so on..
    Each school may or may not have the same host. 
    I want to incorporate dotnetgallery in the main sport application which would be rolled out/customized for  each of these different school.What kind of license i need to buy?thank you so much for your clarification.
  •  05-09-2011, 7:37 AM 67494 in reply to 67475

    Re: dotnetgallery license question

    Dear Customer,
    You can consider Redistribution License or Enterprise license. This Redistribution License allows DotNetGallery to be distributed within a single commercial application. It also entitles unlimited number of developers within the company to install and use the product for that single commercial application development (for 1 application only).

    Redistribution license is for a business has a product, say online email or forum to sell. This product needs DotNetGallery to be part of it. Embeded in the package and sell to the end users. Say if the redistribution license is to cover your online email system, then you can't use it for your forum as it will require another Redistribution license. Enterprise license = unlimited Redistribution.
    Thank you for asking
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